Consultant Care

Consultant Care

We know that we can only source the best talent for your business if we prioritise the well-being and development of our own teams.

That’s why we developed a comprehensive consultant care program to ensure our employees are happy, secure and satisfied.

Each of our consultants are assigned a consultant concierge, which not only helps to develop our vital internal relationships which are at the core of our operations, but also ensure that each consultant has a clear point of contact during their time at Metasquare.

Each consultant concierge arranges regular meetings, via phone or in-person, accommodating the needs and differences of each consultant.

Onboarding is a key part of a team member’s journey here at Metasquare. We are committed to creating positive experiences for our team members every step of the way, and we are passionate about providing a great start.

Regular surveys are created for consultants to provide honest and anonymous feedback which inform the actions and development plan internally.

An onboarding survey is provided to ensure the processes we have in place are followed and allows us to action any potential issues so we can retain the hire throughout the life of the assignment.

A mid-assignment survey is issued to clarify the experience working with Metasquare and/or the company at which they are placed.

An end of assignment survey then helps to increase rehire rate by identifying those individuals who are excited to work with Metasquare after ending their assignment.

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